Creating Opportunities for Computer Game R&D Projects
Walt Scacchi, Center for Computer Games and Virtual Worlds and Institute for Software Research, UC Irvine
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In this talk, I describe my approach to creating opportunities to research and develop new kinds of computer games that address the emerging needs of project sponsors, many of whom may be new to what can be accomplished with computer games and game play. My approach draws from numerous game project engagements with sponsors such as the Discovery Science Center, Intel, Digital Industry Promotion Agency in South Korea, Northrop-Grumman Information Systems, US Navy, San Francisco Symphony, National Science Foundation, and others. Along the way, I will present examples of socio-technical and educational challenges that were addressed, along with examples drawn from games that were researched, prototyped/modified/repurposed/developed, materialized or deployed in different settings of interest.
Walt Scacchi is Director of Research at the Center for Computer Games and Virtual Worlds (CGVWs), and also senior research scientist and research faculty member in the Institute for Software Research, both at UCI. He received a Ph.D. in Information and Computer Science at UCI in 1981. From 1981-1998, he was a professor at the University of Southern California before returning to UCI in 1999. His research interests include open source software development, computer game culture and technology, virtual worlds for modeling and simulating complex engineering and business processes, and organizational analysis of system development projects. Dr. Scacchi has produced or directed the development of 30 computer games or game-based virtual worlds of different size and complexity, as well as conducted professional assessments of more than sixty commercial games. He currently serves as a CGVW advisory board member for EON Reality, Jumala Games, and the City of Daegu, South Korea.